Welcome to Peninsula Shores, home of the Phoenix! PSDS is a JK-12 school, serving students in the Wiarton area. During the school year we offer a variety of programs and extra curricular opportunities that meet the interests and abilities of all our students.
We would like to invite all parents from the PSDS school community to attend the School Council Meetings. This is an opportunity to share information, ideas and create plans that will support the achievement and well being of all students in our school. The schedule of School Council meeting dates for 2024-2025 is found under the Families/Community tab on our website.
Registration packages for the 2024-2025 school year are now being accepted. Kindgergarten Registration Open House will be held in October, 2024.
For information on bus cancellations, to sign up for bus notifications, and to access School Cash Online please follow the quick links in the lower right hand side of this page.
For further information or to register your child, please call the main office at 519-534-2205.
K. Fawcett
To report your child's absence, don't forget to call Safe Arrival at 519-534-2205, ext. 100